Numbers are a way to provide a form of communication amongst global communities whom are often speaking different languages. SI measurements, being decimal based are a part of this communication. I consider SI to be a form of language, in a way, as trade and commerce in metric nations, is often done in a manner which is understandable by people of different vocal languages. What I mean by this is that, if somebody from, lets say, Australia, were to visit a nation that speaks a totally different vocal language, but also uses SI, they will be able to understand the measurement system in use. This is important because SI numbers provide a way to navigate and communicate, when voice language is not understandable. A 5 kg box would be viewed with the same understanding from an English speaker, and a speaker of Japanese. Uniformity, a word I often like to use, makes foreign travel much easier due to the global acceptance of metric. America switching to SI would potentially bring in more foreign visitors. We should embrace our position as a member of the global community.

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    Hello. Im Derry ODell.  Im a 22 year old, who grew up in Riverside, California and take a big interest in science. I am a college student at DeVry University as well as a member of the US Metric Association. My degree is in Computers and Electronics Technology as I am pursuing a career as a computer tech.  SI units first got my attention during my trips to Mexico, Canada, and Jamaica, where I needed to be able to use metric units to navigate, and when I found SI to have a very easy learning curve, being based off of the decimal system. Metric conversion is something that is important and I will do my best to promote and help others promote SI


    February 2013
    January 2013

